How does it work?

Laser is directed at blood vessels or the spots that have hyper-pigmentation, and is absorbed. The darkened spots’ pigmentation will absorb the energy from that laser, which will in turn heat them up and destroy them. The surround tissue is left untouched and unaffected. This treatment is used to treat birthmarks caused by tissue abnormalities and vascular lesions.

Who is this treatment for?

This treatment can be used by anyone who has a permanent mark due to any of the following conditions:

Portwine Stains

Strawberry Haemangiomas

Spider Veins

Any other brown/black spots

If you have a mark but you’re not sure which category it falls in, you can come in for a consultation and we will be happy to help.

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Yes, children can get it. However, we might need to talk to their doctor to get a second opinion and find out their medical history.

The pain from the laser is very mild and most people can bear it easily. If you would, however, like the area to be numbed we can do it for you.

The skin might appear a little discolored after the treatment and in some cases a thin scab might also develop. However, these marks will disappear over the two weeks following the treatment.

It depends on how big the mark is. Usually considerable results are achieved with 3 to 4 sessions. However if the affected area is large, more sessions might be needed.

Treatment at a Glance

Surgical Time

30 Minutes

Hospital Stay


Recovery Time

2 Weeks



Final Result

6 – 9 Months

Follow Up


What is recovery like?

The recovery process after laser treatment for birthmarks is often quick and easy. You may feel some discomfort or burning on the treated area but that will disappear within 24 hours. You can use ice packs to soothe the discomfort. Any swelling that may result from the treatment will go down completely within two weeks. Should a scab form, it will also dry up and fall out on its own within two weeks.

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Treatment Cost

There are different kinds of treatment plans available for the different birthmark types. The size of the mark also varies among individuals. This means that we cannot provide a quote without first seeing the patient.

You are requested to please visit our establishment so we can answer any questions you might have and also provide you an exact quote.

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    Expected Results

    Light birthmarks can be eliminated completely through multiple sessions. However, if the birthmark is large and very dark, it is sometimes only possible to fade it down to 50% of its colour. This might happen with port wine stains. This is the case only with extremely dark birthmarks.

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    Call +1 (416) 878-4763 or book a consultation online!

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